Privacy Policy



In accordance with the provisions established by the Organic Law 3/2018, of December 5, on the protection of personal data and guarantee of digital rights, as well as by Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, PORTALTOP SPAIN, S.L., informs of the following data:


  • ZIP CODE: 03001
  • CONTACT TELEPHONE: (+34) 672 353 566
  • E-MAIL:



The purpose of this web site is to publicize the services offered by the Company, as well as to provide a space between the user and the Company, in which to benefit from the Company's resources. 

All the spaces are enabled for consultation and/or use, and whose content is in accordance with the Company's own activities.


The purposes of this website, in terms of the collection and processing of personal data of users, understanding in any case that these data have been made available to PORTALTOP SPAIN, S.L., freely and voluntarily by users, are, in general:

  • Communication with our users. 
  • Advertising purposes such as personalized commercial prospecting of products or services by mail, email, internet, messages or phone calls, information and commercial offers of our products and services, making commercial segmentations with the information we have about you.


We recommend that you read the following points carefully;

  1. USER

3.1. System of responsibilities.

Browsing, access and use of the website, as well as the spaces provided for interaction between the User and PORTALTOP SPAIN, S.L., confers the status of User, and as such the User accepts, from browsing the website, all of the conditions of use established herein without prejudice to the application of the corresponding legally binding regulations as the case may be.

The PORTALTOP SPAIN, S.L. website may provide a wide range of information, services and data. The User assumes responsibility for the correct use of the website. 

This responsibility shall extend to:

  • The truthfulness and legality of the information provided by the User on the forms provided by PORTALTOP SPAIN, S.L., for access to certain content or services offered by the website.
  • The use of the information, services and data offered by PORTALTOP SPAIN, S.L., without being contrary to the provisions of these conditions, the Law, morality or public order, or which in any other way may infringe the rights of third parties or the operation of the website itself.


3.2. User Obligations.

Users undertake to use the contents of the website in a diligent, correct and lawful manner and, in particular, undertake to refrain from:

  • Reproducing or copying, distributing, allowing public access through any form of public communication, transforming or modifying the contents, unless authorized by the holder of the corresponding rights or it is legally permitted.
  • Delete, evade or manipulate the copyright and other data identifying the rights of PORTALTOP SPAIN, S.L., or of its owners included in the content, as well as the technical protection devices, digital fingerprints or any information mechanisms that may be included in the content.
  • To use the content and, in particular, information of any kind obtained through the website or the services of PORTALTOP SPAIN, S.L., to send advertising, communications for the purposes of direct sales or for any other commercial purpose, unsolicited messages addressed to a number of people regardless of their purpose, and to refrain from marketing or disclosing such information in any way.


PORTALTOP SPAIN, S.L. reserves the right to deny or withdraw access to the website at any time to Users whose behaviour does not comply with the terms and conditions of use or any applicable law, whose browsing involves a risk to the website or to Users, or is established by court order.

Likewise, it will pursue the breach of the above conditions, as well as any misuse of the contents presented on its website, exercising all civil and criminal actions that may correspond to it by law.


4.1. System of responsibilities of the website.

PORTALTOP SPAIN, S.L. guarantees, within the technical possibilities available, the continuity, availability and usefulness of the website, its services and content. 

However, it shall not be liable for any possible damages of any nature that may arise for Users. All this without prejudice to the provisions of these conditions of use.

4.2. Exclusion of guarantees and liability for the contents of the website.

PORTALTOP SPAIN, S.L. shall not be liable for any possible damages of any nature that may arise for Users as a result of possible technical deficiencies, alterations in the service caused by faults in the electrical network, in the data connection network and/or in the server.



5.1. Exclusion of guarantees and liability for services and content hosted outside the website.

PORTALTOP SPAIN, S.L. accepts no liability for damages of any kind that may be derived by Users from the content of the websites to which the User may have access through the links established on its website.

The web space makes or may make available to Users technical linking devices (such as, among others, links, banners, buttons, app's), directories and search tools that allow Users to access websites belonging to and/or managed by third parties, including content interaction applications, interaction with other management platforms, interactions with other valuation and appraisal systems, interaction with artificial intelligence, such as ChatGPT and/or interactions with economic-financial operations.


The installation of these links, directories and/or search tools or AI, on the website, is intended to create a better experience for the User on the website as well as to make it easier for Users to search for and access information available on the Internet. PORTALTOP SPAIN, S.L. does not itself or through third parties offer or market the products and services available on such linked sites. 

Likewise, it does not guarantee the technical availability, accuracy, veracity, validity or legality of sites outside its property which may be accessed through the links.


PORTALTOP SPAIN, S.L. does not guarantee or assume any liability for damages of any kind that may be due to:

  • The operation, availability, accessibility or continuity of the linked sites.
  • The maintenance of the services, information, data, files, products and any kind of material existing in the linked sites.
  • The provision or transmission of the services, information, data, files, products and any kind of material existing in the linked sites.
  • The quality, legality, reliability and usefulness of the services, information, data, files, products and any kind of material existing in the linked sites, in the same terms.
  • The inappropriate use and contrary to the Law, morality, good customs or public order, that the User may make in the linked sites.


PORTALTOP SPAIN, S.L. declares that it has adopted all necessary measures to avoid any damage to Users of its website that may arise from browsing its website. 

Consequently, PORTALTOP SPAIN, S.L. accepts no liability, under any circumstances, for any damages that the User may suffer as a result of browsing on the Internet.


PORTALTOP SPAIN, S.L. reserves the right to make any modifications it deems appropriate, without prior notice, to the content of its website, both with regard to the content of the website and to the conditions of use thereof. Such modifications may be made through its website by any means admissible by law and shall be binding during the time they are published on the web and until they are not validly modified by subsequent ones.



In accordance with the provisions of Organic Law 3/2018 of 5 December, on the protection of personal data and guarantee of digital rights as well as Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data and repealing Directive 95/46/EC, we inform you that your data, made available to this Entity, freely and voluntarily by you, will be processed under the responsibility of PORTALTOP SPAIN, S.L., with the following purposes: to process your personal data, in accordance with the provisions of the Organic Law 3/2018 of 5 December, on the protection of personal data and guarantee of digital rights, will be processed under the responsibility of PORTALTOP SPAIN, S.L., for the following purposes:

  • Communication with our users. 
  • Advertising purposes such as personalized commercial prospecting of products or services by mail, email, internet, messages or phone calls, information and commercial offers of our products and services, making commercial segmentations with the information we have about you.


PORTALTOP SPAIN, S.L., informs you that the aforementioned processing is legitimized by virtue of the commercial relationship established by the user when freely, voluntarily and expressly requesting our products or services.

PORTALTOP SPAIN, S.L. likewise informs you that the data will be retained for the periods established in compliance with current legislation.

PORTALTOP SPAIN, S.L. informs that it will proceed to process the data in a lawful, loyal, transparent, adequate, relevant, limited, accurate and up-to-date manner. 

PORTALTOP SPAIN, S.L. therefore undertakes to adopt all reasonable measures to ensure that such data is deleted or rectified without delay when it is inaccurate.

We inform you that PORTALTOP SPAIN, S.L. does not intend to disclose your personal data to other companies or public administration bodies that are not competent in the matter. We inform you that international data transfers are not foreseen.


In accordance with the rights conferred by current data protection regulations, you may contact the competent Control Authority to file the claim you deem appropriate, and you may also exercise your rights of access, rectification, limitation of processing, deletion, portability and opposition to the processing of your personal data, as well as the withdrawal of consent given for the processing thereof, by sending your request to PORTALTOP SPAIN, S.L., at Av/. Perfecto Palacio de La Fuente nº 6, Panoramis Life & Business, CP. 03001, Alicante.

In relation to the rights of access, rectification, limitation of processing, deletion, portability and opposition to processing, which may be exercised by you, PORTALTOP SPAIN, S.L., in accordance with Chapter III of the GDPR, should take into account the following aspects:


  • Right of Access: the right of the user to obtain information on their specific personal data whose processing has been or will be carried out by PORTALTOP SPAIN, S.L., as well as the information available on the origin of said data and the communications made or planned for said data.
  • Right of rectification: this is the right of the data subject to have inaccurate or incomplete data amended. It may only be satisfied in relation to information that is under the control of PORTALTOP SPAIN, S.L. (for example, deleting comments posted on the page itself, or images or web content containing the user's personal data). 
  • Right to Limit Processing: this is the right to limit the purposes of the processing originally foreseen by the data controller. 
  • Right of Deletion: the right to delete the user's personal data, except as provided in the RGPD itself or in other applicable regulations that determine the obligatory nature of the conservation of the same, in time and form.
  • Right of Portability: the right to receive from PORTALTOP SPAIN, S.L., the personal data provided by the user, in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format, and to transmit it to another data controller.
  • Right of Opposition: this is the user's right not to have their personal data processed or to stop PORTALTOP SPAIN, S.L. from processing them.
  • In order to exercise any of the rights described above, you must comply with the following requirements. 
  • Submitting a letter to the following address: Av/. Perfecto Palacio de La Fuente nº 6, Panoramis Life & Business, CP. 03001, Alicante.

The letter sent by the owner of the data requesting the exercise must comply with the following legal requirements: 

  • Name, surname of the interested party and copy of ID card. In cases where representation is admitted, it will also be necessary the identification by the same means of the person who represents him/her, as well as the document proving the representation. The photocopy of the DNI may be substituted provided that the identity is accredited by any other legally valid means.


Request in which the request is specified (exercise requested or information to which you want access). If you do not refer to a specific file, you will be provided with all the information we have with your personal data. If you request information of a specific file, only the information of this file. If you request information relating to a third party can never be provided. If you request it by telephone, you will be instructed to do it in writing and you will be informed how to do it and the address to which you have to send it. You will never be given information over the telephone.

Address for notification purposes.

Date and signature of the applicant.

Documents accrediting the request being made.

The interested party must use any means that allows accreditation of the sending and receipt of the request.


PORTALTOP SPAIN, S.L. shall be responsible for the processing of the data entered in the forms on the website and shall also be responsible for adopting the necessary technical and organizational measures, depending on the risk involved in the processing carried out in relation to the data collected, as established in the data protection regulations, aimed at guaranteeing the security of personal data and preventing its alteration, loss, unauthorized processing or access.


PORTALTOP SPAIN, S.L., is the owner of all intellectual and industrial property rights of its website, as well as of the elements contained therein (including, but not limited to, images, sound, audio, video, software or text, trademarks or logos, color combinations, structure and design, selection of materials used, computer programs necessary for its operation, access and use, etc.).

They are, therefore, works protected as intellectual property by the Spanish legal system, being applicable to them both the Spanish and Community regulations in this field, as well as the international treaties related to the matter and signed by Spain.


All rights reserved. 

Pursuant to the provisions of articles 8 and 32.1, second paragraph, of the Intellectual Property Law, the reproduction, distribution and public communication, including making available, of all or part of the contents of this website, for commercial purposes, in any medium and by any technical means, are expressly prohibited without the prior, express and demonstrable authorization of PORTALTOP SPAIN, S.L.

The User undertakes to respect the Intellectual and Industrial Property rights owned by PORTALTOP SPAIN, S.L. The User may view the elements of the Portal and even print, copy and store them on the hard drive of his/her computer or on any other physical medium provided that this is solely and exclusively for his/her personal and private use. The User shall refrain from deleting, altering, evading or manipulating any protection device or security system installed on the PORTALTOP SPAIN, S.L. website.



PORTALTOP SPAIN, S.L. also reserves the right to bring any civil or criminal actions it deems appropriate for improper use of its website and content, or for breach of these terms and conditions.

The relationship between the User and the provider shall be governed by the regulations in force and applicable in the Spanish territory. Should any dispute arise in relation to the interpretation and application of these conditions of use, the parties may submit their disputes to arbitration or go to the ordinary jurisdiction submitting to the judges and courts of the city of Alicante.


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